Clare Mills Date 04/11/24 Head of Marketing

2024 State of Edge AI Report

Date 03/11/24

What is Edge AI?

Clare Mills Date 03/08/24 Head of Marketing

March release of Imagimob Studio

Date 02/18/24

What is tinyML?

Clare Mills Date 02/06/24 Head of Marketing

February release of Imagimob Studio

Clare Mills Date 01/16/24 Head of Marketing

Introducing Graph UX: A new way to visualize your workflow and explore...

Date 12/06/23

Imagimob Ready Models are here. Time to accelerate your ML journey.

Date 01/27/23

Deploying Quality SED models in a week

Date 11/17/22

An introduction to Sound Event Detection (SED)

Date 11/14/22

Imagimob condition monitoring AI-demo on Texas Instruments' Sitara AM2...

Date 11/01/22

Alert Vest – connected tinyML safety vest by Swanholm Technology

Date 10/21/22

Video recording from tinyML AutoML Deep Dive

Date 10/19/22

Edge ML Project time-estimates

Date 10/05/22

An introduction to Fall detection - The art of measuring falling down

Date 04/20/22

Imagimob to exhibit at Embedded World 2022

Date 03/12/22

The past, present and future of Edge AI

Date 03/10/22

Recorded AI Tech Talk by Imagimob and Arm on April 5th 2022

Date 03/05/22

The Future is Touchless: Radical Gesture Control Powered by Radar and ...

Date 01/31/22

Quantization of LSTM layers - a Technical White Paper

Date 01/07/22

How to build an embedded AI application

Date 12/07/21

Don’t build your embedded AI pipeline from scratch

Date 12/02/21

Imagimob @ CES 2022

Date 11/25/21

Imagimob AI in Agritech

Date 10/19/21

Deploying Edge AI Models - Acconeer example

Date 10/11/21

Imagimob AI used for condition monitoring of electric drives

Date 09/21/21

Tips and Tricks for Better Edge AI models

Date 06/18/21

Imagimob AI integration with IAR Embedded Workbench supports Tensorflo...

Date 05/10/21

Recorded Webinar - Imagimob at Arm AI Tech Talks on May 25, 2021

Date 04/23/21

Gesture Visualization in Imagimob Studio

Date 04/01/21

New team members

Date 03/15/21

Imagimob featured in Dagens Industri

Date 02/22/21

Customer Case Study: Increasing car safety through Edge AI audio class...

Date 12/18/20

Veoneer, Imagimob and Pionate in joint research project regarding deep...

Date 11/20/20

Edge computing needs Edge AI

Date 11/12/20

Imagimob video from tinyML Talks

Date 10/28/20

Agritech: Monitoring cattle with IoT and Edge AI

Date 10/19/20

Arm Community Blog: Imagimob - The fastest way from data collection to...

Date 09/21/20

Imagimob video from Redeye AI seminar

Date 05/07/20

Webinar - Gesture control using radar and Edge AI

Date 04/08/20

tinyML article with Nordic Semiconductors

Date 12/11/19

Edge AI for techies, updated December 11, 2019

Date 12/05/19

Article in Dagens Industri: This is how Stockholm-based Imagimob uses ...

Date 09/06/19

The New Path to Better Edge AI Applications

Date 07/01/19

Edge Computing in Modern Agriculture

Date 04/07/19

Our Top 3 Highlights from Hannover Messe 2019

Date 03/26/19

The Way You Collect Data Can Make or Break Your Next AI Project

Date 03/23/18

AI Research and AI Safety

Date 01/30/18

Imagimob and Autoliv demo at CES 2018

Annika Englund Date 05/24/17

Wearing Intelligence On Your Sleeve